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Tech Talk Thursday: Who’s Joining Feature

Brigitte Xu

April 13, 2023


At, we understand the importance of in-person interactions, so we’ve spent considerable time thinking about ways our clients can leverage our technology to encourage office attendance, as well as the great benefits that come with it.

As many companies have come to embrace the hybrid work environment, they often observe that finding opportunities for in-person collaboration is more important than ever. Being in the same physical space allows for more impromptu conversations and brainstorming sessions, leading to new ideas. It’s also easier to build relationships and trust when you see your colleagues in person, which is particularly important for new hires.  

With this understanding, we’ve introduced our Who’s Joining feature, which provides a social element to our clients’ catering programs.

For teams with Group Ordering programs, when an individual places an order, their name, along with what they ordered (if they’ve opted in), are added to the meal tile. Team members can review who else is planning on attending a meal and star colleagues to prioritize them at the top of their lists. Favorited colleagues are private and not shared with others.

With this feature, team members can view which other employees are planning to come into the office and participate in a given meal. Many people make their meal selections for the following week when meals open each Wednesday, so this feature can be a great tool to help team members coordinate in-office attendance. 

And the information about meal participation isn’t available only on your meal calendar! If a team member has not placed an order for an upcoming meal, they already receive a notification on the day the order closes as a final reminder about the upcoming deadline. These emails now include the number of other participants who are joining the meal, as one final way to encourage employees to come into the office.

Our goal is to make mealtimes more engaging and create a setting for teams to get inspired while sharing a meal among friends and coworkers. We hope providing you insight into what your colleagues have ordered not only provides you with information about who is coming into the office, but maybe even inspires you to try new and different foods! Plus, if you’re looking to strike up a conversation with a new colleague, there’s no better icebreaker than “How’s your lunch?”. 

Learn more about our technology and catering options here!



“ has been able to get our employees from all different departments together, to get away from our desks, recharge, and be able to return to our work, happy and full.”

—Ellen K., Employee Experience Specialist,